Friday, October 9, 2015

Adjourning Stage of Team Development

I have to say that I had never heard about the last stage of team development that is adjourning. That’s probably because I haven’t had an opportunity to lead a team development. Although I have personally been engaged in the first four stages of team development, I also had never heard labels being given to each of the stage: forming, storming, norming, and performing.

I had been the Vice President of California Association of the Deaf, and was re-elected at the conference last month. In January 2016, we are going to have our Board retreat where we will have our team development, and I probably will experience my first adjourning session with the outgoing Board Members whom I will miss dearly. BUT, the new incoming Board members are as dynamic, and I will be honored to be working with the new Board for the next two years.

Although I haven’t had the privilege of an adjourning stage with some of my groups, I could see how I would benefit from an adjourning session. We could identify our own individual strengths and tasks that we enjoy. That way, each of us can have a prescribed role for the next time we have a task to accomplish. We would likewise identify our group problem spots and work through our differences so they would not happen again if we are to assemble as a group for another purpose. With the identified weaknesses, we could elect to solicit the support of someone with that particular skill.

Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from 


  1. Marla,
    I also have not heard of any of the five stages of team development. I have experienced adjourning but I did not know this is what it is called. What I recall doing discussing what worked, what did not work and what can be done to repair the challenges or conflicts. It is an opportunity to reflect on the entire process. Great post! ck

  2. Hi Marla,
    I know we have communicated multiple time in discussion board. I have enjoyed reading your post and blogs. I want to say thank you for sharing such meaning statements with me. It has truly been a pleasure. I wish you all the best for future endeavors in education. Again, Thank you! ck
