As you know, I started this graduate program with no
Early Childhood Studies experiences. All I brought was my personal experiences. And you have welcomed me and made me
feel that I had something to contribute to the class. You would also affirm my
passions for advocacy. I feel grateful for that.
First thing I noticed about my colleagues in Foundation:
Early Childhood class was the passion that you classroom teachers have for the
children, for their families, and for the community at large. You showed me
what a dedicated teacher looks like.
I did not know what to expect, but I was also astonished at
the “breadth and depth” of your knowledge. Your base of knowledge is already
high, and you are learning more to become better professionals. It cheers me to
know that after we get our MS degree, we will be out there making positive
changes in our respective communities.
Because my degree specialization will be Public Policy and
Advocacy, I sincerely hope I will bump into some of you as we stand on the same
advocacy soapbox! We might even collaborate on some research or papers; I would love
that very much.
I thank Dr. Ferrari for her patience and persistence that we
write a graduate-level paper with APA formatting. I am not there yet, but with
her helpful notes, one day, you may see my name in one of those journals!