Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Supports

My Supports

My immediate family (husband and children) and my sisters provide me with the unconditional love, support, and confidence I need to go out in the world every day.

When my children were younger, they were my anchors. Today, they are young adults, and our relationship clearly is changed, but we are still eternally a family. I hope I lend my children unconditional love, support, and confidence as well.

My sisters – one in particular – were always my support system when I was growing up and today still are.

Today, my co-workers are also my support. We work well together to achieve our objectives and goals. Our workplace is a happy place because of the support from our lab director.

Finally, I have this one friend who supported me during the time our house got burned down. She invited my family to live with her and her husband; we stayed for a year and half. When our new home was built, we moved out of her house with heavy hearts because we loved every minute of our stay at their house. I learned from her how to extend kindness to others. We share a Christian faith, too.

With the faith I have, I trust that any of the challenges that come my way will be accompanied with supports I cannot anticipate as did happen with the loss of our home.


  1. Hi Marla,
    Your post is heartwarming. It shows how much kindness there is in the world. It is great that you have a lot of family support. That is not something one takes for granted anymore. We have seen and heard of terrible things that family members inflict on each other. Great post!

  2. Marla,
    I enjoyed reading how your family supports you in every way. I never really had that close support system growing up and even now. I also failed to mentioned in my blog that I am also supported by my Christian faith. My friends are always there to step in and assist me in a heart beat. I realized friends don't have to be blood relatives to show how much they care.

  3. Marla,
    It sounds as if your support system exactly what you need in your life. I would like to give a thumbs up to your friend that opened up her home to you and your family. That speaks miles of her as a friend. I am sure you know this already, but she is a friend sent to you by God. We have family members that will not extend themselves in situations such as this. So to have a friend that will share her everything (her home and its' contents) is truly a blessing. I am sure that is an experience that you will cherish always.

  4. Marla, I have posted twice. I hope this one goes through. LOL! I think it is a shear blessing that you have a friend that would open up her home to you and your family in such a time of need. Some of us have family members that would not extend that type of love and kindness to us. She is a guardian angel that was placed in your life for a reason. Cherish your friendship forever.

  5. Marla,
    subscribing so I can follow
